One aspect of pickleball that people enjoy the most is that it’s a friendly game where people congregate to have fun. In fact, if I find that I am going to be playing in a game where one of the players is a total newbie, someone who has only played two times, can barely get his serve in, and who, to be honest, probably has no business being within 10 miles of a pickleball court, still, I will always welcome him with a smile and a warm handshake – just so long as he’s not going to be MY partner.
If you’re fuzzy about some of the unspoken rules of pickleball etiquette, here are a few pointers to help you avoid pissing off your opponent – or your partner.
Announce the score loudly. Too many people announce the score so quietly that the only person who could possibly hear them would be their partner – assuming their partner was spooning with them. When you’re serving, be sure to announce the score loud and clear for all to hear. But avoid making snide side comments like “The score is 10 to zero. Looks like we’re about to pickle you.” You know it. They know it. You don’t have to rub it in.
Never aim for your opponent’s head. One of the biggest complaints I hear is about players – usually guys, let’s be honest – who love to smash the ball down their opponent’s throat as hard as possible. Pickleball is supposed to be a friendly game. Never aim for the head. My recommendation: Aim for their arms, legs, or chest instead. They’ll thank you – just as soon as their arm, leg, or chest injury heals up.
Don’t squabble about whether a shot was in or out. After all, it’s just a game. If your opponent calls your shot out, but you feel strongly it was in, just let it go. In the game of life, who cares whether your shot was in or out. If you feel he’s being a jerk, just unfriend him on Facebook.
Don’t come on to your partner. Pickleball is a highly social game. But it’s not a pickup bar. It’s not Tinder. So, keep your libido in check and never make moves on a fellow player – unless she’s your wife… or she’s really attractive and you think you have a shot. [Note to my pickleball friend, Nathan: Sarah is not into you. Not gonna happen. Trust me on this, buddy.]
Don’t complain if your partner misses an easy shot. Again, unless you’re on the pro circuit (and based on your game, I’m pretty sure you’re not), don’t get upset if your partner makes a mistake that costs you the game. Oh, sure, all they had to do was dink it over the net and your team would have won. Instead they sent it sailing into the parking lot. Let it go. Just smile, pat them on the back, and tell them, “Don’t worry, partner. You played a great game.” Wait until you’re sure they’re out of earshot to snipe about their lame shot to your other pickleball pals.
Click paddles at the net after the game. When the game is over, whether you won or lost, the sportsmanlike gesture is to meet your opponents at the net and click paddles (or paddle handles) and say, “Good game.” Of course, the fact that they crushed you 11 – 1 clearly indicates that it was NOT a good game. Your partner sucked. But it’s considered impolite to point this out. And since it’s a round robin event, the odds are they won’t be your partner again for the rest of today. So, problem solved.
– Tim Jones [Check out more of Tim’s View from the Bleachers humor column in the Crab Cracker, at www.ViewFromTheBleachers.net and his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/viewfromthebleachers]